When You See This Kind Of Women, Run Don’t Look Back.

In this day and age it is advisable that every man knows what he wants from a woman.

It is also advisable that while you are looking for your queen, it is easy to fall in the hands of vultures who pretend to be good women. Women come in different shapes and sizes and It’s easy to fell prey and end up dating monsters. Give yourself time, don’t rush into relationships to avoid being heartbroken again.

I’ve compiled 10 reasons why you should run when you come across this type of women.

  1. She likes beer a lot.

  2. She talks about expensive things but she’s always broke.

  3. She has tattoos on her thighs, breasts and bums.

  4. She prefers guys as friends.

  5. Her fone is ringing every 2 minutes.

  6. She gives you sex on your first date.

  7. She lie back when you kiss her and shes the first one to take her clothes off.

  8. She gets angry when you want to use a condom.

  9. She doesn’t bring her own condoms.

  10. She always take long to respond your messages.

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