Women Easily Fall In Love With Men Who Have These 7 Things

1. Humor ability and sense.

Many experts have claimed that women are more attracted to men who can make them laugh or have a great sense of humor unlike men who are not more attracted to women who are funny.

Women find men who express themselves in very many ways very attractive as they make conversations interesting and less attracted to men who are dull and less goofy.

2. Type of hair and beards.

Women find men with an heavy stubble beard length as very attractive.

Facial hair correlates not only with maturity and masculinity, but also with dominance and aggression. An intermediate level of beardedness is most attractive.

3. Respected men.

Women are more attracted to men who have a sense of pride. Women despise men who always bow down to anything because they see them as weak and they look like cowards.

4. Muscles Formation or boldness.

Though women are more attracted to muscular men but for short-term relationships. Less-muscular men are thought to be a better fit for long-term relationships.

Therefore, if you want to catch a lady's attention you needed to build muscles and look bold since they find it that safe to be with you because you can offer protection.

5. Cooking skills.

Though it is always said that food is a way to a man's heart but it apply the same too for women. Women find men who are good cooks very attractive.

6. Ready to embrace change.

Men who are vulnerable to women are seen as being very attractive. This is because women find such men easy can gradually “fix” or change over time for the better. They desire to take on a motherly role to support you. It’s like raising kids, and they want others to see what they accomplished.

7. Sports.

It is said women are more attracted to men who engage in sports like rugby and soccer.

This is because they look more energetic and physically fit.

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